One of us is nice. Two, double-nice. Don't you think?

Let's be reasonable, now.

We really don't like sewers and chilly garrets.

I can't help it I'm lovable.

Whoa! It's a long way to the floor.

You are my sunshine.

You do know I'm a rat, don't you?

Basking in the sun. Ah, liberation.

Come on. Let's play.

But this Web site is not about rats as pets. I want to bring attention to the disgrace of Sisyphusian (endless) rat control by the city of New York. By last account, it appropriates about $8 million per year to eradicate its rats. Some of the money wisely goes to more rat-proof garbage containers, but the majority of the money goes for exterminations, which are done, of course, via cruel methods.

Web site by Pamela Rice